
Adam Afzali. What my employers had to say about their experience working with me. Talented, straight-forward, intuitive, valuable, and fun to work with.


"Adam is a good team member and I would highly recommend him to others. Adam did very well applying his range of knowledge and was exposed to a much greater range of perspectives, which he embraced. [He] was a pleasure to work with, always willing to lend a hand or offer thought based suggestions. Adam was able to consider issues and problems from multiple perspectives and evaluate positives and negatives of each approach and was a good role model to the other co-ops."

-Jim Shepard, Director of Brewer Engineering at Keurig.


"[Adam] did a superb job in writing an analysis and design proposal report on a new pneumatic grip...well organized and compelling communication. As the design engineer on a small yet important design project, Adam showed great teamwork by listening to the needs of the group and in presenting solutions that met those needs. [He] solved several design problems using calculation and engineering analysis, as well a fair amount of creativity that we would not expect from someone still in school. As an example of his critical thinking skills: He came into my office one day and questioned the wisdom of a major portion of the design, making a very convincing argument that, for the sake of saving weight, we were taking too much risk in designing a certain part out of a plastic he felt was too susceptible to brittle failure and was dimensionally too unpredictable. He estimated he could design a similar part out of aluminum that would be much more manufacturable with very little penalty in weight. We gave him permission to do this and he came through with this design on time and on budget. Adam displayed excellent critical thinking and design skills.

I see also a significant potential for leadership skills. Having worked with a few co-ops, I think Adam has performed exceptionally well, beyond what we would expect of a co-op. I am confident that with continued hard work he will make a great engineer and be a major asset to any company that hires him. I would highly recommend Adam to anyone."

-Paul Martin, Manager of Mechanical Engineering at Instron

"Adam sought out guidance where he needed it and developed a very thorough and concise analysis. This drove him to a better solution across the board. I also think he did a great job compiling all the information into a digestible format. Keep up the good work!"

-Britt Smallwood, Product Manager of EM Business at Instron

"Adam was well liked by everyone at Protonex and earned the name 'Most Interesting Coop in the World.' It was a pleasure working with him. Adam is a team player, putting in long hours towards achieving a deliverable on an aggressive timeline. He took on design challenges where he saw there was a need. He took on aspects of the project on his own and demonstrated design creativity. Adam demonstrated the ability to present ideas both internally among peers as well as externally with customers."

-Brendan Heinig, Mechanical Engineer at Protonex